
* My informal invention from the category "playful".

It is offered the way of manufacturing of "supernew" stars with the help of the directed detonation near to border of the bottom chromosphere and photosphere of usual stars, to means of dot initialization of the thermonuclear reaction which is carried out by delivery in chromosphere of a star inicialising of a charge (1) special designs (2), including with the help of special means of the delivery (3), able to be the equipped solar rocket engine (4).
the Given way of manufacturing of "supernew" stars can be broken on 4 independent inventions: (1), (2), (3) and (4).

the Design inicialising a charge will consist from: 1 - the condensed thermonuclear charge (a liquid or firm mix deyteru and tritiy), 2 - the initiating device (a setting fire nuclear charge), 3 - a cavity with a gaseous mix deyteru and tritiy, 4 - cumulative воронка from uranium 235 (at her{it} схлопывании chain nuclear reaction is formed linearly extending in a direction of movement). Outside the case inicialising a charge is covered ablacion with protection against thermal destruction.
Special means of delivery will consist from: 5 - cavities filled with a heat absorber (in a simple case - water), 6 - walls of vessels Duar, 7 - a radiator.

EXPLANATORIES: Means of delivery is intended to inform inicialising a charge up to border of the bottom chromosphere and photosphere of a star, i.e. to overcome an extended zone of heating by thermal radiation and, at the final stage, to overcome a zone of the heated unloaded gases of a star crown.
for this purpose the case of means of delivery should be executed in front with an external mirror reflector. The case represents vessel Duar, and there is a little enclosed one in another of such environments. Between these environments the heat absorber (for example - water) having the maximal thermal capacity and having 2я with phase transitions termoпоглощения (Ice-water and waters - pairs) is located. As approaching the necessary horizon of a star the heat absorber external (for that moment) will boil away environments, then and the "current" environment to evaporate. Formed pairs can be used in the solar rocket engine - by heating by the concentrated solar beams in the chamber of heating, and his{its} expansion then in soplo.
the Radiator is located on shaded from thermal radiation of a star of a surface of Means of delivery and serves for cooling a heat absorber. Such "Nested doll" the design provides delivery inicialising charge up to necessary horizon of a star.
Inicialising the charge, at operation, for the account Ignition thermonuclear reaction at the back end of the device, represents moving forward front of ignition and condensation of a mix deyteru and tritiy. Ahead of this front goes скачёк the condensation, reaching cumulative воронки from uranium 235, схлопывающий her{it}, and there is a cumulative emission with speeds much surpassing 14 км\сек products of new reaction (contents cumulative воронки gaseous смесьи deyteru and tritiy) is direct in an atmosphere of a star. Since. The temperature of products of initialization of a charge surpasses required for course of thermonuclear reactions, and the direction of movement and a site of the worked charge provides the further maintenance and distribution of thermonuclear process - his{its} further distribution follows.
1 - a zone of the excited "direct" reaction, 2 - a zone of "superficial" reaction, 3 - a direction of emission of products of reaction.

The offered{suggested} way of manufacturing of "supernew" stars differs from known (natural) analogues that can be initialized: 1) in any star system (is present in view of - any type of used stars), 2) during the any (chosen) moment of time, 3) character of emission of substance of a "supernew" star will be unidirectional (the "cumulative" effect affects) and can be unequivocal расценен external observers as "man-made".
the Given invention can be used for carry of a great bulk of Solar system to the set direction, "сбития" the next star systems (and the star and planets environmental her{it}) with a view of air defence (antiaircraft defense), submission of a signal to reasonable inhabitants of ours and the next galaxies, that "here" there was advanced enough, in the technological plan, a civilization. And as in others - the scientific - applied, practical and research purposes.
Now we shall consider, why stars, having in the nucleus all factors resulting{bringing} in instant explosion, actually shine long time, and is rather quiet. The sun (or other, other star) has non-uniform structure - a nucleus and outside водородно-geliy an environment having T> 6000 degrees. Thermonuclear reaction needs considerably the big temperature, or others - способствуюшие, conditions.
In the center of a star are available not optimum, for passage of thermonuclear reaction, a condition. There rather high concentration of heavier, than isotopes of hydrogen, elements - that, certainly, brakes and slows down chain nuclear reaction of merge.
as Other negative factor strong gravitation acts, at which such factor as "time" is "slowed down". Thus delay of time of explosion of a nucleus of a star by gravitation (gravitational forces) reaches{achieves} astronomical sizes летоисчесления - on hours of the external observer, stars shine billions years, and on internal hours of a nucleus of a star - process is rather transient.
Proceeding from the above-stated reasonings, it is possible to assert{approve}, that as the basic zone of reaction of synthesis the internal spherical environment acts in stars, in which ELSE the temperature suffices, but ALREADY there is no sharp delay of time.
If to calculate a right moment of time so that on a way of "emission" of the Sun simultaneously there was the Jove and Saturn (with the satellites) efficiency of the given invention considerably increases.
" Star гостинец " most effectively to deliver in a crown of the Sun by braking orbital speed (at the Earth approximately 30 kms / sek). For this purpose it is necessary to give to the device 2ю space speed in a direction, the opposite to movement of the Earth. And orbital speed "гостинца" will make that 30-11,2=18,8 kms / sek.
Still approximately on 2,4 kms / sek it is possible to brake at use of gravitation of the Moon. Further, at skilful falling the device on the Sun, it is possible to use braking properties of gravitation of Venus (on 10,22 kms / sek) and Merkury (on 4,3 kms / sek), having braked orbital speed up to, approximately, 1,88 kms / sek (i.e. the centrifugal force working on the device, will be practically sharply reduced), and having increased forward - aside the Sun.
it is clear what to carry out similar "operation" spontaneously - to fail, it is necessary to choose one of the certain moments at which position of all specified planets in their orbits will correspond definitely.
* Unfortunately the given calculation of a trajectory on forces to carry out ONLY the specialized scientific organization.
As a result of performance above-stated balistik operations the trajectory "гостинца" will remind a parabola resting the "high-speed" end in the Solar crown.
After step delay of orbital speed, the device " it will be simple to fall ", being accelerated, on the Sun, under action of his{its} attraction, having reached{achieved} forward speed about 617,7 kms / sek.
After passage of orbit Меркурия to operate the device it is not necessary any more, Solar gravitation itself will finish this process. Operation of "fuse" will take place automatically - as it is possible later, from the temperature gauge перегрева.


From the author:
This MOST SCALE invention (worthy, on this parameter, - FOREVER to be placed in the book of records Ginnes) to carry out which already now in authority of Mankind. There can be only a man-made manufacturing of the Galaxy or the universe, but before to Mankind still далековато MORE ABRUPTLY...
the Given invention can be in use in the environment of interstellar terrorists and as to be used in programs of " star wars " and to be mentioned in numerous fantastic films.
I very much hope, that in case of application of the given invention in practical life, fascinating process " перемывания косточек the author " will not be carried out. In the first, owing to absence " испарившихся опонентов ", and in the second - owing to "rise" is higher mentioned косточек.
I have no concept about cost of a similar ENTERTAINMENT, but to carry out similar ENTERTAINMENT already now on forces of the Terrestrial civilization.

* Not забудте - my authorship is protected by laws " about authorship "
* At a reprint the reference to the primary source is obligatory!

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