
If you think, that I shall describe "TOKAMAK", or other BIG reactors (for example with laser compression of "ball" - implosia) you strongly are mistaken. Reactors such as "TOKAMAK" can work only in very big dimensions and, accordingly, to give out the big capacity (1 reactor all over the country), impuls - laser, in my opinion, can serve ONLY in the "scientific" purposes as a parameter of that "it" can be, the energy very difficultly extracted in such a way is rational for utilizing.
I shall describe "model" smals, with a "массо-dimensional" output{exit} of energy from hundreds watt, and up to several megavatt (depending on the sizes) which dimensions allow to collect it{him} in the big shed.

In usual water the maintenance{contents} deytery molecules approximately = 1 / 6000. Hence it is necessary to separate D2O from H2O. A principle of reception of heavy water-> slowly! To evaporate not less than 2/3 volumes usual, water, waters (without heating, it it is the best way to put glass to bank with water, with wrapped up by a cloth - from a dust, a throat, in the COOL place, on a draft, on for a long time) - heavy water evaporates worse usual, "easy" (T boilings = 101,4 hailstones. С) - concentration of heavy water to raise{increase}. Then the rest slowly! To freeze - heavy water freezes (at T = +3,8 hailstones faster. С). By the way, in passing ice will be cleared and of the unnecessary salts dissolved of water.
thin ice Formed from above water - " heavy ice "! It is necessary to remove{take off} in time it{him} - for reception of your stocks of heavy water. Last step - final concentration deytery: " heavy ice " to leave in a shadow, ON the FROST - there will be a slow sublimation of the staying molecules of " easy water " from a crystal lattice of " heavy ice ".
Basically, for described below reactors, this degree of clearing has enough. Otherwise you should do some cycles of allocation. In general that is possible "доотсеиваться" before practically full removal{distance} of "easy" water - for this purpose is in the conclusion of process it is necessary to lead{carry out} a weak current elektrolis waters - last rests "easy" - will be spread out.

All above described is required to be done to you in any case.
Further it is possible so: Enrichment trity - to subject heavy water to an irradiation - to take a scale from old aviation devices (luminous), and to collect простейщую elektroforn the machine on friction, she{it} will give 100-300.000 volt. To collect s the accelerator of "ions" from a scale, and to irradiate for a long time enough with them heavy water. The idea is not checked up, but - can work (to be). Certainly, trity water as "natur" contains in "usual", but a degree of presence (concentration) approximately 1 molecule on ~ some billions "usual"....
Elektrolis to remove from heavy water oxygen - gaseous fuel (D2) for a reactor will turn out, is excellent{different} (at the raised{increased} pressure) diffusion in metals (here is present in view of - in a metal working body).
the Reactor , a working body - mercury with dissolved in it{her} " the nuclear catalyst " (most likely sodium or other alkaline metal) - to dissolve until mercury slightly will not thicken - is formed a liquid amalgam.
Sodium can be extracted распиливанием old diesel valves.
- plunger type, the big pressure - it is possible to pick up the Pump from a powerful diesel engine.
In result "usual" kavitachion process (for example - water from the centrifugal pump, under pressure 10 atm.) in kavitachion sfer plasma with temperature of 10-50.000 degrees is formed depending on a configuration soplo. At use of a working body - mercury, under pressure (before kavitator) in some thousand atmospheres which provides plunger the pump on a working body - formed "sfer" plasma will have temperature sufficient for thermonuclear process.
Before the beginning of narrowing soplo kavitatorit is necessary to carry out injection in a working body deytery-tritiy mixes of gases.
As a result of thermonuclear reaction a working body - mercury with the catalyst dissolved of it{her} will strongly heat up received neutrons - it is necessary to submit her{it} to a steam and gas generator (coil). Pairs as it is usual to let in turbin the electrogenerator.
It was more less habitual though It new - not the widespread circuit of a reactor. There is not offered{suggested} working body, and the configuration consisting of the pump, soplo and termoout a coil. Only I can offer OTHER soplo (parabolic), with use of effect Koanda - such structure soplo will give much more efficiency, and a new working body (an amalgam, with dissolved in it{her} deyteu...)

The LAST - should be remembered, that both mercury, and hydrogen (deyteru) it is easy and rather fast diffusion in metals of which the design of a reactor will consist, that, certainly, reduces time of operation of a product. The complex working body consisting of mercury, with dissolved in it{her} deyteru and sodium (amalgam) is possible to hope, that, will be not so aggressive.

BUT - it is possible and NOT SO!

Below I shall describe 2 simple variants of "cold" thermonuclear reactors, the truth already much more smaller capacity (unit - hundreds watt, a maximum of unit watt).
And so, these both variants use as a working body " heavy water " with the additive in it{her} of salts of lithium (is the widespread additive in electrolit of alkaline accumulators). Though 1й the variant can be started and with above described "amalgam" a working body. The chance of serviceability thus only will increase. And so:
1й variant - use disk kavitator (with dredging or зубчиками the special form, both on a rotor, and on a bed), resulted{brought} in movement by the motor from a vacuum cleaner (to them{him;it}. In view of - высокооборотным, collector = 10.-15.000 об\мин).
It is necessary to warn, that I am not absolutely sure in "capacity" of this device. At all bribing simplicity, " kavitatoring ability " the rotor here can not suffice.
there Is still 2й variant (most perspective): the high-voltage spark category in the closed spherical capacity with heavy water is used, and in quality of " the auxiliary factor " movement of spark plasma in a counter magnetic field (accordingly is chosen: parabols extending - spiral; movement, with turn "back" искрообразующих elektron and radiation by them, thus, a superhigh-frequency electromagnetic wave, is probable - close to a resonance with nucleons of a nuclear nucleus). That gives effect of the maximal speed раздутия kavitation a bubble in unit of time, resulting{bringing} to strongly expressed sound pressure (an extending shock wave), and also effect "перегрева", that, in turn reveals properties of nonequilibrium plasma regarding creation inside a formed bubble of the raised{increased} gradient of an electrostatic field, that - hence, raises reagentnost ions deyteru and lithium, radiant directed by a magnetic field.
About!!!, as I here "have wound".... In general it was necessary to write the above-stated phrase that as it is possible to describe more correctly essence приосходящих the phenomena. Alas, has easier failed....
Concept " the necessary working temperature of process " is not only speed of movement of "particles", but also a measure of fluctuation " облачка fields of charges " elements particles. Usual thermal fluctuation of an elementary particle can be presented a spherical field of vectors

If to allow to change to a particle in 1й to coordinate, "having stopped" thermal fluctuations in other planes it will be expressed in a "linear" vector

And that the temperature gradient begins "one-dimensional", with accordingly greater amplitude that will give the same " AVERAGE temperature of reagents ", BUT reaktorsь will sharply increase.
It can be made, for example, having placed "nucleus" in a longitudinal magnetic field.

magnets from dinamiks " Are used (1) " (it I have specially allocated with inverted commas this word-combination loved{liked} by people), (2) turned steel conic cartridges which are carrying out functions magnitoprovod and protective covering of magnetic system from a shock wave, (3) central electrodes from automobile свечей звжигания - not забудте to grind edges of arresters. The electrostatic generator is required also, the machine will approach school elektrofors. There are rather good self-made designs described on the Internet. Came across me and the description in magazine " Technics{Technical equipment} of Youth " N1 for 1974 " the steam electrostatic generator " - a simple and interesting enough design.

(4)Изоляционные inserts, the special requirement to them - the raised{increased} stability{resistance} shock waves. (5) high-voltage wire - will approach from automobile ignition or from the pipe monitor (TV). (6) заливка магнитно - electrode system isolator, for example building полиуретановой foam. (7) bed магнитно - electrode systems (steel), is shown rather conditionally since tests shock loadings and simultaneously is "усреднителем" a magnetic field, accordingly should be strong and not have external sharp corners (concentrators of pressure{voltage} and рассеивателей a magnetic stream), the case should be (whenever possible) oval section and STRONG, in this case the shock wave caused by the spark category, will be reflected from walls and again will gather in the center, having made the necessary effect.
ATTENTION: I "casually" have not specified - 1) a magnetic field COUNTER. 2) The turned steel conic cartridges (2) - can be NOT conic, and PARABOLIC (it complicates a geometrical design of the case of a reactor since it is required to take into account a trajectory of reflection of a wave, but will raise efficiency a little).
And now the description of PROCESS: 2е parabolic cartridges (2) form themselves ring soplo (the analogue of the top picture, only as a ring), at the moment of the category is formed kavitacccchions the cavity, the spark category, cooperating with a counter magnetic field is untwisted in a spiral (and then "twists"), скачёк pressure (we read "SOUND"), passes on extending соплу (меж 2х a paraboloid), reaches walls of a reactor (it is necessary that SIMULTANEOUSLY - for this purpose and "way" of pressure jump is taken into account, and the case of a reactor should have the form of the oval extended perpendicularly to "cones") in section, is reflected and SIMULTANEOUSLY "схлопывается" in a point of occurrence of the category.
the Last: compatibility of functions of a bed magnit - electrode system and walls of a reactor - in one design.
the Effect of allocation of additional heat from reaction of nuclear synthesis should be, that allows (as minimum) to use such reactor for the purposes of heating.
the Circuit of "experimental" start-up:

The more the capacity of the condenser, the the greater current will pass through the category. The more widely the backlash in an arrester, the the big pressure{voltage} "will punch" a reactor. And, at all it, the less frequency of categories, and it{her} is adjusted target capacity of a reactor.
the Condenser is necessary with a working pressure{voltage} in some hundreds thousand volt, quite will approach so-called " Leyden bank " as which isolator I advise to use not glass, and transparent plexiglass (plexiglas of whom do{make} plastic bottles).

* Not забудте - my authorship is protected by laws " about authorship "
* At a reprint (or a mention) the reference to the primary source is obligatory!

PS:, that write on this theme -
" a Certain Krejg Wallace, being the student - first-year student of university of state Idaho, together with the father has made a compact thermonuclear reactor.
Ransacking in the Internet, inquisitive Wallace has come across the state-of-the-art review of acts of the predecessor on hobby - inventor Fila Fransuorta. Still in 1950 Franсуорт has offered the decision of a key problem{task} of peace thermonuclear synthesis - deduction of the heated plasma in an active zone. His{its} decision have named « inertial electrostatic », but because of an absence of proof of some calculations have rejected.
Yesterday's schoolboy Wallace was set by an embodiment of idea Franсуорта. On a dump in Idaho Фолс the young man with daddy have found out the neutron detector. From improvised hundreds болванок Крейг has collected neutron замедлитель. On boondocks of former factory has found out broken turbomolekuls the pump.
For 20 dollars Wallaces have got the container of " heavy water ». Two years cunningly at them on search of necessary units, methods and reactants. As early as half-year - on assembly of the device. At last, a reactor закрасовался on a room table умельца.
At work of the device the monitor высвечивает an active zone: a luminous cloud of gas inside a metal spiral where ions deyteru collide{face} and from time to time merge in helium. At each such merge the neutron and energy is allocated. A doze of allocation - 36 neutrons in one minute.
It - absolutely safe minimum and as an energy source Wallace reactor in such kind is not necessary. But as the device of scientific researches it{he} is invaluable. In the USA similar installations no more than 3 tens and all - in the largest laboratories. Such manual hand-made article. "

As the reference For interesting work, in it{her} the author has thoroughly approached to consideration of reactors "kavitacion" type.
Unfortunately here are present both technical and "stylistic" mistakes. In particular the author a lot of attention has given ineffective, in the given device, piesoeffect (the same as and magnitstrikcion), completely having missed from a kind an opportunity of creation SFER of the directed sound wave with the help of a usual spark. And, by the way, in this case there is an opportunity to use the RESONANT phenomena compulsorily схлопывающегося under action SFER of the directed sound wave, kavitacion a bubble.
so I have commented on this work.

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